After several months of not sharing anything online, we have special news…I’m pregnant! After a difficult struggle with trying to conceive, we’re overjoyed to announce that we’re expecting Baby Mears in late August! I’m about 21 weeks through my pregnancy, and it’s still surreal that we’re over halfway there!
I’ll share more in my first trimester recap, but I’ve had to lean on Jacob so much these past five months. He has truly been my rock through all the highs and lows of pregnancy, and I am so blessed to have him by my side. I’ve struggled with a lot of anxiety after our pregnancy loss last year, but after a perfect anatomy scan, I finally feel comfortable opening up a bit more about this incredible new chapter in our lives.
Our close family and friends have known about our pregnancy since December, and we have greatly appreciated having so many Christ-filled people praying with us and for us since the very beginning. We didn’t necessarily intend to keep it a secret from our social media for such a long time, but waiting to share outside of our inner circle just felt like the most comfortable decision for our family.
Our lives are going to change forever here in a few short months, and just thinking about holding our little miracle in my arms fills my heart with so much joy. I can’t wait to watch Jacob become a father (I know he’ll be the best there is!), and the growth of our family feels like such an answered prayer. God is so good!

My Outfit: LAKE Gauze Caftan // Castañer Chiara Espadrilles // Olive & Piper Bordeaux Studs
Love from Indiana,
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